BlogDoit is a community blog where we publish new content about various topics. In addition to that, we also encourage other bloggers and website owners to publish content on our website. This way they will get a topic-relevant backlink from our website with high authority and for a lifetime.
As we’ve said that we are a community of bloggers running this website, there are some limitations for publishing content on our website. Without passing them we don’t publish any content. We only cover general topics, and we don’t publish any adult content.
Adult means, any topic that Google or other search engine doesn’t like. You can find us on Google if you search for options of “Write for us.” Well, that’s enough introduction we need you to know before sending your article to us.
List of the Topics We Accept
If you are interested in publishing content on BlogDoit, you have to maintain some quality parameters. We will discuss them below somewhere. Before that, let’s see the list of those topics that we accept articles to publish on our website.
Serial No. | Topic Name | Search Style |
01 | Biography | Biography “write for us” |
02 | Business | Business “write for us” |
03 | Education | Education “write for us” |
04 | Finance | Finance “write for us” |
05 | Gaming | Gaming “write for us” |
06 | Law | Law “write for us” |
07 | Lifestyle | Lifestyle “write for us” |
08 | Marketing | Marketing “write for us” |
09 | Outdoor | Outdoor “write for us” |
10 | Home Improvement | Home Improvement “write for us” |
11 | Technology | Technology “write for us” |
12 | Travel | Travel “write for us” |
13 | Automotive | Automotive “write for us” |
14 | Real Estate | Real Estate “write for us” |
15 | Wedding | Wedding “write for us” |
16 | Product Reviews | Product Reviews “write for us” |
17 | Make Money Online | Make Money Online “write for us” |
18 | Social Media | Social Media “write for us” |
How to Submit Guest Posts
If you are interested in publishing your article on BlogDoit, please send your article to pr.blogdoit@gmail.com.
Make sure you put “Guest Post Publishing Request” in the subject line of your email so that we can find your email easily.
Guideline for Writing Guest Articles
There are few things you need to make sure of while you write content for publishing on BlogDoit. We have some restrictions and guidance for interested publishers. We are going to discuss them in the following sections.
Uniqueness or Originality
When you write for BlogDoit, please do make sure that your content is not copied from any other place or rewritten using any automated software. You must write fresh and unique content that has some value to share with our visitors. There are a couple of things the above instructions would mean, here they are,
- The topic is not covered already on BlogDoit.com
- The Article has not been published on any other website
It refers that, BlogDoit doesn’t publish any content that violates any copyright laws.
Guideline for Adding External Links
As your article will be a link source for your website, so we don’t allow more than one (01) external link from your article that you submit to us to publish. Make sure that your article doesn’t have more than one (01) external link. If we found that your article has more than one (01) external link, we will keep the first one and remove others before publishing.
Guideline of Article Length
An information article should have more than 1250 words because it helps to optimize and it’s good for SEO. If your article is more than 1250 words, it will be easier to rank on search engines and get traffic on the page. If your guest article gets traffic, from that you will get referral traffic to your website also.
Another thing that you need to make sure, that your article is hand-written and well researched. Because we have tools to check whether the content is spined or rewritten. If we find anything fishy, we will not only reject the article but also disallow you to submit an article in future.
Guideline of Article Title
The title of your article must have to present the topic of your article. However, if we find any issues, we will correct the title before publishing it. BlogDoit authority has full rights to change or modify your article title according to the relevancy of the topic and search engine optimization.
Guideline of Content Quality
Now, this is very crucial for most of the publishers who wants to publish their content on our website. This happens frequently with us that people send us garbage content and try to publish them, but we sadly reject them due to the quality.
If your article cannot maintain minimum quality, we can accept them. Remember, after you submit your content, it goes to our editors, and they check if everything is okay or not. If your content passes the quality, we publish them right away.
Your article must be written in a natural way which means, it will have small sentences, small paragraphs, meaningful words. People should understand your content easily, otherwise, they will just bounce back from the content as well as from our website. To avoid these, you can use Hemingway App to edit your content before submitting it. Don’t worry it’s a free content editing tool. Your content must be free from grammatical or sentence structural errors.
Last but not the least, we don’t accept articles that talk about sensitive issues, adult issues such as illegal activities, and violence, drugs etc.
Guideline for Image
We highly encourage you to include some images relevant to your articles like screenshots or copyright-free images. No need to upload them on your email, you can just add them to the word document.
Guideline for Considering Some Crucial Aspects
We always advise all publishers and writers to write reader-friendly, grammatical-error-free content. So that visitors can read and understand the article easily. Please use headings, subheadings carefully. Don’t forget to include some bullet points and tables. You can also include statistical data and information.
Your content should be attractive to the visitor so that they read the entire article. If your article is engaging and informative that adds value to the reader, they will surely read and share them on the different social media platforms.
Before submitting the article, please read this entire guideline, otherwise, your content may get rejected.
How to Find Best Guest Post Sites for Any Niche We Accept
You should use the below search terms to find high-quality home improvement guest posts written for us and Sponsored post websites.
Your Keyword “guest post” | Your Keyword “submit press release” |
Your Keyword “write for us” | Your Keyword “become a guest blogger” |
Your Keyword “guest article” | Your Keyword “guest blogger” |
Your Keyword “this is a guest post by” | Your Keyword “guest posts wanted” |
Your Keyword “contributing writer” | Your Keyword “looking for guest posts” |
Your Keyword “want to write for” | Your Keyword “guest posts wanted” |
Your Keyword “submit blog post” | Your Keyword “guest poster wanted” |
Your Keyword “contribute to our site” | Your Keyword “accepting guest posts” |
Your Keyword “guest column” | Your Keyword “writers wanted” |
Your Keyword “submit content” | Your Keyword “articles wanted” |
Your Keyword “submit your content” | Your Keyword “become an author” |
Your Keyword “submit post” | Your Keyword “become guest writer” |
Your Keyword “This post was written by” | Your Keyword “become a contributor” |
Your Keyword “guest post courtesy of ” | Your Keyword “submit guest post” |
Your Keyword “guest posting guidelines” | Your Keyword “submit an article” |
Your Keyword “suggest a post” | Your Keyword “submit article” |
Your Keyword “submit an article” | Your Keyword “guest author” |
Your Keyword “contributor guidelines” | Your Keyword “send a tip” |
Your Keyword “contributing writer” | Your Keyword inurl: “guest blogger” |
Your Keyword “submit news” | Your Keyword inurl: “guest post” |
site:domain.com “submit a guest post” | allintitle: Your Keyword + guest post |
site:domain.com “guest post by” | Health “guest post” |
site:domain.com “contribute an article” | Health “write for us” |
site:domain.com “want to write” | Health “guest article” |
site:domain.com “submit your post” | Health “this is a guest post by” |
site:domain.com “become a contributor” | Health “contributing writer” |
site:domain.com “accepting gust posts” | Health “want to write for” |
Sports “guest post” | Health “submit blog post” |
Sports “write for us” | Health “contribute to our site” |
Sports “guest article” | Business “guest column” |
Sports“this is a guest post by” | Business “submit content” |
Sports “contributing writer” | Business “submit your content” |
Sports “want to write for” | Business “submit post” |
Sports “submit blog post” | Business “This post was written by” |
Sports “contribute to our site” | Business “guest post courtesy of ” |
Sports guest column” | Business “guest posting guidelines” |
Sports “submit content” | Business “suggest a post” |
Sports “submit your content” | Business “submit an article” |
Sports “submit post” | Business “contributor guidelines” |
Sports “This post was written by” | Technology “contributing writer” |
Business “guest post courtesy of ” | Technology “submit news” |
Business “guest posting guidelines” | Technology “become a guest blogger” |
Business “suggest a post” | Technology “guest blogger |
Business “submit an article” | Technology “guest posts wanted” |
Business “contributor guidelines” | Technology “looking for guest posts” |
Business “contributing writer” | Technology “guest posts wanted” |
Business “submit news” | Technology “guest poster wanted” |
Business “become a guest blogger” | Technology “accepting guest posts” |
Business “guest blogger | Travel “writers wanted” |
Business “guest posts wanted” | Travel “articles wanted” |
Business “looking for guest posts” | Travel “become an author” |
Business “guest posts wanted” | Travel “become guest writer” |
Business “guest poster wanted” | Travel “become a contributor” |
Business “accepting guest posts” | Travel “submit guest post” |
Business “writers wanted” | Travel“submit an article” |
Business “articles wanted” | Travel “submit article” |
Business “become an author” | News “guest author” |
Business “become guest writer” | News “send a tip” |
Business “become a contributor” | News inurl: “guest blogger” |
Business “submit guest post” | News inurl: “guest post” |
Business “submit an article” | News “guest post” |
Business “submit article” | News “write for us” |
Business “guest author” | News “guest article” |
Business “send a tip” | News “this is a guest post by” |
Business inurl: “guest blogger” | Fashion “contributing writer” |
Business inurl: “guest post” | Fashion “want to write for” |
Business “contribute to our site” | Fashion submit blog post” |
Business “guest column” | Fashion “contribute to our site” |
Business “submit content” | Fashion “guest column” |
Business “submit your content” | Fashion “submit content” |
Business “submit post” | Fashion “submit your content” |
Business “This post was written by” | Fashion “submit post” |
Safety and Security “guest post courtesy of ” | Fashion “This post was written by” |
Safety and Security “guest posting guidelines” | Fashion “guest post courtesy of ” |
Safety and Security “suggest a post” | Fashion “guest posting guidelines” |
Safety and Security “submit an article” | Fashion “suggest a post” |
Safety and Security “contributor guidelines” | Fashion “submit an article” |
Safety and Security “contributing writer” | Fashion “contributor guidelines” |
Safety and Security “submit news” | Fashion “contributing writer” |
Home and Garden “guest post” | Fashion “submit news” |
Home and Garden “write for us” | Fashion “become a guest blogger” |
Home and Garden “guest article” | Home Improvement “guest blogger |
Home and Garden “this is a guest post by” | Home Improvement “guest posts wanted” |
Home and Garden “contributing writer” | Home Improvement “looking for guest posts” |
Home and Garden “want to write for” | Home Improvement “guest posts wanted” |
Home and Garden “submit blog post” | Home Improvement “guest poster wanted” |
Home and Garden “contribute to our site” | Home Improvement “accepting guest posts” |
Home and Garden “guest column” | Home Improvement “writers wanted” |
Home and Garden “submit content” | Home Improvement “articles wanted” |
Home and Garden “submit your content” | Home Improvement “become an author” |
Home and Garden “submit post” | Home Improvement “become guest writer” |
Movers “guest post” | Home Improvement “become a contributor” |
Movers “write for us” | Home Improvement “submit guest post” |
Movers “guest article” | Home Improvement “submit an article” |
Movers “this is a guest post by” | Home Improvement “submit article” |
Movers “contributing writer” | Home Improvement “guest author” |
Movers “want to write for” | Home Improvement “send a tip” |
Movers “submit blog post” | Home Improvement inurl: “guest blogger” |
Movers “contribute to our site” | Home Improvement inurl: “guest post” |
Movers “guest column” | Locksmiths “guest post” |
Plumbing “guest post” | Locksmiths “write for us” |
Plumbing “write for us” | Locksmiths “guest article” |
Plumbing “guest article” | Locksmiths “this is a guest post by” |
Plumbing “this is a guest post by” | Locksmiths “contributing writer” |
Plumbing “contributing writer” | Locksmiths “want to write for” |
Plumbing “want to write for” | Locksmiths “submit blog post” |
Plumbing “submit blog post” | Construction “guest post” |
Plumbing “contribute to our site” | Construction “write for us” |
Plumbing “guest column” | Construction “guest article” |
Plumbing “submit content” | Construction “this is a guest post by” |
Plumbing “submit your content” | Construction “contributing writer” |
Plumbing “submit post” | Construction “want to write for” |
Home Decor “guest post” | Construction “submit blog post” |
Home Decor “write for us” | Construction “contribute to our site” |
Home Decor “guest article” | Construction “guest column” |
Home Decor “this is a guest post by” | Construction “submit content” |
Home Decor “contributing writer” | Construction “submit your content” |
Home Decor “want to write for” | Construction “submit post” |
Home Decor “submit blog post” | Painting “guest post” |
Home Decor “contribute to our site” | Painting “write for us” |
Home Decor “guest column” | Painting “guest article” |
Home Decor “submit content” | Painting “this is a guest post by” |
Home Decor “submit your content” | Painting “contributing writer” |
Home Decor “submit post” | Sports “want to write for” |
game “write for us” | Sports “submit blog post” |
game “guest article” | Sports “contribute to our site” |
game “this is a guest post by” | Sports “guest column” |
game “contributing writer” | Sports “submit content” |
Health “want to write for” | Sports “submit your content” |
Health “submit blog post” | Sports “submit post” |
Health “contribute to our site” | Sports “guest post” |
Health “guest column” | Sports “write for us” |
Health “submit content” | Shopping “guest article” |
Health “submit your content” | Shopping “this is a guest post by” |
Business “submit post” | Shopping “contributing writer” |
Business “guest post” | Shopping “want to write for” |
Business “write for us” | Shopping “submit blog post” |
Business “guest article” | Shopping “contribute to our site” |
Business “this is a guest post by” | Shopping “guest column” |
Business “contributing writer” | Shopping “submit content” |
Business “want to write for” | Shopping “submit your content” |
Business “submit blog post” | Shopping “submit post” |
Business “contribute to our site” | Entertainment “guest post” |
Business “guest column” | Entertainment “write for us” |
Business “submit content” | Entertainment “guest article” |
Business “submit your content” | Entertainment “this is a guest post by” |
Business “submit post” | Entertainment “contributing writer” |
Advertise | Entertainment “want to write for” |
Advertise here | Entertainment “submit blog post” |
Media kit | Entertainment “contribute to our site” |
Advertising info | Entertainment “guest column” |
Advertising | Entertainment “submit content” |
Advertisers | Entertainment “submit your content” |
Your banner here | Entertainment “submit post” |
Advertise on this site | Advertise with us |
Contribute For us
Well! I think I have to tell you more than enough about guest post guidelines so if you want to submit a guest post on my blog just send your content on this ID pr.blogdoit@gmail.com We will review it and if your article gets approval from my team, will Live Automatically.
Thanks and Regards
Admin, Blogdoit