Online Education During Lockdown: A Brief Overview

Online Education During Lockdown A Brief Overview Featured Image - BlogDoit
Online Education During Lockdown A Brief Overview Featured Image - BlogDoit

One of the most significant changes we got to see during the pandemic is in the education system.

Online education during the lockdown was something we could talk about or only imagine in the first quarter of 2020.

Online Education During Lockdown

Every education institute of every level has an enterprise learning management system to accommodate their learners within a year.

This article aims to inform you about the flaws, benefits, and psychological effects of online education during the lockdown.

Flaws in Online Education

During this pandemic, individuals are finding significant flaws in this new system of education.

Even though numerous opportunities have availed during this pandemic, few flaws simply could not be overlooked.

The pandemic gave society a practical understanding of online learning’s strong suit and flaws.

It has limited the resources we have and made us adjust by using those limited resources to the maximum capacity.

This clearly has affected the quality and the accessibility of the resources.

The online education system has made the education world smaller and made the convenience of education a bit easier.

However, it also ignored the technological, social, cultural, and economic variables between the students as well as the educators.

While developed countries were worried about excelling at the technology they have to make online education work, the underdeveloped countries struggled to get the technology to participate in online education.

While some people were trying their level best to adapt, several people did not know what to do and how to do when it comes to online education; some did not want to accept the new normal.

In short, people were not on the same page, to begin with, let alone moving forward together.

Another major problem that the academic world faced during the pandemic was justifying the assessment process.

The process was entirely new for everyone. Thus, the functionality was more prioritized than the validity of the assessment.

Lastly, online education took a toll on relations and communications between students and teachers.

Studying from home has somewhat ruined the academic socialization and the one-on-one bond they get to share in a school campus.

The Psychological Toll of Online Education During Lockdown

While education has faced many other shifts and difficulties in its course due to the unprecedented pandemic.

The students’ psychological sufferings and the toll on their socialization because of the pandemic was unnoticed.

As these issues are not isolated from education, they deserve a certain amount of attention.

As already mentioned, the student-student and the student-teacher ties have been declining due to the pandemic.

There is a high possibility that it will continue even after the offline classes restart. Students of every age group learn to socialize mainly from dealing with their academic institutions.

The absence of a communicating platform might affect their socializing skills.

Above all, significant inequality has developed between the students of developed and underdeveloped areas.

The students of developed areas have a way more convenient access to attend online classes.

Also, for similar reasons, many students from underdeveloped areas cannot afford the essential devices and connections and continuously fail to give their best.

Benefits of Online Education During Lockdown

Every flaw comes with a new opportunity.

The pandemic of 2020 has left a permanent mark on many social sectors’ infrastructure, including the education system.

It showed that the customary way of education is not the only way of learning.

The students and the teachers have been trying to adapt to the new education way if not already adopted.

The pandemic has undoubtedly changed the education system and took it on a different level way too early.

If we have to focus on the benefit, we would need to make a list.

First of all, recording classes can generate the opportunity for both the teacher-student pair to improve themselves.

Secondly, using online resources in the classroom to benefit the most updated education facilities.

Thirdly, use the digital platform to design communicative lessons and exercises for the learners.

Finally, Introducing the learners to international faculties and professionals via digital platforms can also work very smoothly.

Final Words: Online Education During Lockdown

To sum it all up, online education during the lockdown has completely changed the face of the entire world’s education system permanently.

It helped a lot of people, at the same time, it hurdled a lot of people with a lot of additional problems and responsibilities.

Hopefully, this article has successfully informed you about the flaws, benefits, and psychological effects of online education during the lockdown.


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